Free Plain-Text Plugin Extends Outliner Support for Word Processor
The screenshot shows a text file defining a document heading outline based on tab indents. When the text file is opened within Sense, selection of the Outline Conversion Method causes a hierarchy of Sections and sub-Sections to be produced according to tab indent levels. On Text Save, the reverse conversion may be optionally selected.
Plain Text files are simple sequential files of human readable content such as may be produced using third-party editors such as Microsoft's Notepad.
The Free Text Plugin enables transfer of plain-text documents to and from the Sense Outliner / Word Processor with optional tab and space indention to specifically support Outliner working:
Sense documents may be optionally saved as Flat Text rather than Outline. In this case, text is simply transfered from the Sense Document to the simpler file format without level based indent. The screenshot shows the result of saving the Sense Startup tutorial as Flat Text and then re-opening within Sense using the same conversion method. The conversion from Sense Document Format to Text loses document formatting as well as other rich text constructs.
- Plain-Text file conversion to Sense Document format on File Open.
- Conversion to Plain-Text from Sense Document Format on File Save and Save-As.
- Flat and Outline (Tab / Space indent) Conversion options are provided for both File Open and Save whereby:
- Outline Conversion from tab / space Indented plain-text files may be used to initiate a Section Heading based document tree hierarchy within Sense.
- Section-Headings within Sense may be converted to a tab or space indented lines within a text file.
- Flat Conversion relates to a simpler conversion between Text File lines and Sense Document Paragraphs.
- Windows Codepage (ANSI) and Unicode file encodings supported.
The Plain Text Plugin is one of a number of freely downloadable Plugins with specific information already integrated into Sense's main Help.